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Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

3.24 zł 1.57% 0.05zł 2025-03-07

Company’s history

Home page/Company/Company’s history
  • 1 January 1963 - start of activity as Przedsiębiorstwo Handlu Zagranicznego „Stalexport”, specialized in exporting and importing steel products as well as importing raw materials for the Polish steel industry;
  • 5 November 1993 - transformation into a Company wholly owned by the State Treasury and privatized;
  • 26 October 1994 - first stock exchange quotation;
  • 1997 - obtaining of concession to construct, adapt and operate A4 toll motorway section Katowice-Kraków (61 km) for the period of 30 years;
  • 1998 - stock issue for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development;
  • 2004 - concession transfer to Stalexport Autostrada Małopolska S.A. (SAM S.A.);
  • 2006 - Company became a part of an Italian Atlantia Group (present name: Mundys S.pA.). The group is a leader with respect to automatic motorway toll collections systems and manages a network of 9,400 km of toll motorways. The strategic investor allowed Stalexport Autostrady to acquire in total PLN 269,700 thousand in cash as a result of the share capital increase. At the first stage, the funds were earmarked to the completion of financial restructuring, while the remaining funds are allocated for covering the Company’s own contribution into the planned motorway projects. One of the elements of the restructuring process included the separation and disposal of the steel part;
  • since 1 October 2007 - Company has focused only on activities related to the construction and operations of toll motorways as well as to the lease of office space in the office building at in Katowice;
  • 2011 - reduction of share capital of Stalexport Autostrady to the amount of PLN 185,446,517.25 to cover the uncovered losses from previous years. In this way the period history of the Company related to its trading activity was definitely closed;
  • 13 May 2013 - the seat of registered office of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. was moved to Myslowice;
  • July 2016 - introduction of electronic toll collection A4Go on the A4 motorway Katowice-Kraków;
  • May 2017 - dividend payment in the amount of PLN 44,507,164.14 i.e. PLN 0.18 per one share, for the turnover year 2016;
  • May 2018 - dividend payment in the amount of PLN 71,705,986.67 i.e. PLN 0.29 per one share, for the turnover year 2017;
  • November 2018 - payment by SAM S.A. all concession liabilities to the National Road Fund which constituted a refund to the State Treasury of a credit taken by the State Treasury at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for modernisation and resurfacing of the A4 motorway carried out before its transfer the concessionaire;
  • May 2019 - dividend payment in the amount of PLN 91,486,948.51 i.e. PLN 0.37 per one share, for the turnover year 2018;
  • September 2019 - full prepayment, made by SAM S.A. of the outstanding debt coming from the long-term loan agreement dated 28 December 2005 to finance the A4 Katowice-Kraków. PLN 56 million was paid as a principal repayment, PLN 1 million as an interest payment and over PLN 2.5 million as payments resulting from the Hedging Agreement;
  • November 2019 - registration of 89,500,000 series G ordinary bearer shares of the Company with a nominal value of PLN 0.75;
  • February 2020 - cross-border merger of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. with its subsidiary company - Stalexport Autoroute S.à.r.l.