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Home page/Investor Relations/Reports/Periodic reports/Comments on results/Average Daily Traffic and toll revenue on motorway Katowice-Kraków in 2020H1

Average Daily Traffic and toll revenue on motorway Katowice-Kraków in 2020H1

Aktualności EN 31 July 2020

In 2020H1 the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on the concession section of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway amounted to 32,495 vehicles and was lower by 25.9% than the traffic level recorded in the same period last year (43,873 vehicles). In 2020H1 toll revenue amounted to PLN 126,703 thousand and was lower by 23.7% than in the same period last year (PLN 165,994 thousand).

As far as cars are concerned, the ADT decreased from 36,638 vehicles in 2019H1 to 26,214 vehicles in 2020H1 (28.5% decrease). In 2020H1 toll revenue from cars amounted to PLN 72,452 thousand and was lower by 31.5% than in 2019H1 (PLN 105,783 thousand). Difference between dynamics of toll revenue changes as compared to dynamics of Average Daily Traffic changes is due to introduction of preferential toll rates at the beginning of 2020 for all automatic methods of payments.

As far as trucks are concerned, the ADT decreased by 13.2%, i.e. from 7,235 vehicles in 2019H1 to 6,281 vehicles in 2020H1, while toll revenue from trucks in 2020H1 amounted to PLN 54,251 thousand and was lower by 9.9% than in 2019H1 (PLN 60,211 thousand). Difference between dynamics of toll revenue changes as compared to dynamics of Average Daily Traffic changes is due to new toll rates applicable since March 1, 2019 (increase from PLN 18 to PLN 20 and from PLN 30 to PLN 35), introduction of preferential toll rates at the beginning of 2020 for automatic methods of payments and differences in vehicle category structure (depending on the category different toll rates are applicable).

Decreases in traffic and revenues observed in 2020H1 compared to 2019H1 result from restrictions introduced in March 2020 by State institutions and bodies, related to social and economic activity, due to spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the number of COVID-19 sickness cases cases. However, it should be noted that data  reported earlier by the Group in current reports show that the traffic is recovering in the last two months of 2020H1 to the levels similar to those recorded prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic.
