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Home page/Investor Relations/Reports/Current reports/Agenda of OGSM convened on 23.06.2005

Agenda of OGSM convened on 23.06.2005

Raporty bieżące (ENG) 2005-06-01

The Management Board of STALEXPORT SA acting on the basis of art. 402 of the Com-mercial companies code as well as on § 20 passage 3 of the Company`s Charter convenes XII Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, which will take place on 23rd June 2005, at 11:00 a.m. in the seat of the company in Katowice, 29, Mickiewicza Street.


  1. Opening of the Shareholders General Meeting.
  2. Election of the Chairman of the Shareholders General Meeting..
  3. Determination of whether the General Meeting has been duly convened and has capacity to undertake resolutions.
  4. Adopting of the resolution regarding an election of the Scrutinisers.
  5. Approval of agenda.
  6. Presentation of the report on the Company's activity and the Company's financial state-ment for the financial year 2004 by the Management Board
  7. Presentation of the report on the STALEXPORT Capital Group?s activity and the consoli-dated financial statement of the STALEXPORT Capital Group for the year 2004 by the Management Board
  8. Presentation of the Supervisory Board's report for the turnover year 2004.
  9. Adopting the resolution on approval of the Management Board's report on the Company's activity for the turnover year 2004.
  10. Adopting the resolution on approval of the Company's financial statement for the turnover year 2000.
  11. Adopting the resolution on approval of the Management Board's report on the STALEX-PORT Capital Group's activity for the turnover year 2004.
  12. Adopting the resolution on approval of the STALEXPORT Capital Group's consolidated financial statement for the turnover year 2004.
  13. Adopting of the resolutions on granting discharge to each member of the Management Board for the turnover year 2004.
  14. Adopting the resolutions on granting discharge to each member of the Supervisory Board for the turnover year 2004.
  15. Adopting the resolution on profit distribution for the turnover year 2004.
  16. Adopting the resolution on designing inventory and reserve capital for loss coverage from previous years.
  17. Adopting the resolution on applying ?Best practices?.
  18. Adopting the resolution in amendments to the Company?s Charter.
  19. Adopting the resolution on amendments to the Regulations of GSM of STALEXPORT S.A.
  20. Adopting the resolution on changes in the Supervisory Board.
  21. Closing of the debate.

The legal and organisational matters:

  1. According to art. 406, § 3 of the Commercial companies code and art. 11 passage 1 of the Act dated 21.08.1997 Law regarding the public trading of the securities (uni-form text Dz. U. no 49 of 2002, item 447, with later amendments) ? the right to par-ticipate in the Ordinary General Meeting belongs to the owners of shares who, in pe-riod from 06.06.2005 to 10.06.2005 and from 13.06.2004 to 16.06.2004 includ-ing, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. will submit in the seat of the Company, the deposi-tary certificates of shares property together with a statement that the certificates will not be given up before the ending of the Ordinary General Meeting. The persons enti-tled to participate in the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will be able to reg-ister and get voting cards on the day of General Meeting ? outside the conference room from 10:00 a.m. The documents and information materials connected with the General Meeting required by law will be available in the seat of STALEXPORT SA in time required by law.
  2. The shareholders can participate in the General Meeting as well as vote personally or by the representatives acting on the basis of the written proxy. The representatives of the legal entities are obliged to show actual précis of the register showing the persons entitled to represent that entities. The person not mentioned in the précis should pre-sent a proxy in writing.

The Management Board of
