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Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

2.73 zł 0% 0zł 2024-07-01
Home page/Investor Relations/Reports/Current reports/Biograhpies of newly-appointed members of SB

Biograhpies of newly-appointed members of SB

Raporty bieżące (ENG) 2006-05-31

In regard to the Supervisory Board of STALEXPORT S.A.

Referring to the current report no 24/2006 dated 24.05.2006 regarding among others the changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board made by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 24.05.2006 the Company makes public the biographies of the newly appointed members of the Supervisory Board, i.e. Mrs. Katarzyna Galus, Mr. Ta-deusz Sadowski and Mr. Jerzy Zieliński.
