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Home page/Investor Relations/Reports/Current reports/Changes in agenda of EGSM (20.12.2006)

Changes in agenda of EGSM (20.12.2006)

Raporty bieżące (ENG) 2006-11-28

Referring to the current report no 85 dated 09.11.2006 in regard to convene the EGSM on 20.12.2006, the Management Board of STALEXPORT S.A. informs on the change of the agenda of the EGSM convened on 20.12.2006, announced in Judicial and Economic Monitor . on 16.11.2006 as follows:

  1. in existing point 6 the words: ?in private subscription? are crossed out,
  2. the existing point 8 receives the number ?9?, and new point ?8? is added with the following content: ?Changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board?.

In connection with the above, the agenda of the EGSM convened on 20.12.2006 receives the following reading:

  1. Opening of the General Shareholders Meeting.
  2. Election of the Chairman of the General Shareholders Meeting.
  3. Determination of whether the General Shareholders Meeting has been duly convened and has capacity to undertake resolutions.
  4. Adopting of the resolution regarding an election of the Scrutinisers.
  5. Approval of agenda.
  6. Adopting a resolution on an increase in stock capital of the Company by the amount of 179,000,000 zloty by issue of 89,500,000 ordinary bearer shares of G series, at the issue price of 2,00 zloty, to be subscribed by the Company Autostrade S.p.A. with seat in Rome, with excluding the existing shareholders of the right to acquire shares and making the proper amendments to the Charter of the Company .
  7. Adopting a resolution on application for admitting the shares of G series (which will be issued within an increase in capital according to the resolution mentioned in point 6 of the agenda) to the public trading on the regulated market and their dematerialisation as well as an authorization of the Management Board to conclude with the National Depository for Securities S.A. an agreement on registering the securities, mentioned in art. 5 of Act dated 29th July 2006 on Trading in Financial Instruments.
  8. Changes in the composition of the Supervisory Board.
  9. Closing of the debate.

The other part of the report no 85 dated 09.11.2006 remains unchanged.
