do góry

Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

2.73 zł 0% 0zł 2024-07-01

Credit agreement

Raporty bieżące (ENG) 2006-11-16

Referring to the current report no 22/2006 on concluding the agreement on financing by the Company (the Agreement of general outline) Management Board of Stalexport S.A. informs that on 16.11.2006 the Company received the original agreement on renewable credit.
Stalexport S.A. signed the above agreement with Fortis Bank Polska S.A. with seat in Warsaw on 14.11.2006.

Agreement on renewable credit dated 14.11.2006 concluded within the agreement on the financing of 16.05.2006.

  • Assignment of credit: financing of purchase of steel profiles from the supplier of the Company
  • Amount of the credit: 15 m zloty
  • Crediting period: till 13.11.2016
  • First period of availability of the credit: till 11.05.2007.
  • Interest rate: WIBOR 1M + bank margin
  • Securities: were defined in the Agreement of general outline The criterion of recognising the agreements as the significant ones is the value of these agreements subject, which exceeds 10 % of the shareholders? equity of the issuer.