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Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

2.54 zł 0% 0zł 2024-09-27

Current reports

Messages found: 751.

  • 25.01

    Report no 2 - List of reports published in 2010 2011-01-25

    Report%20no%202%20%20%20Wykaz%20raport%C3%B3w%20za%202010%20eng.pdf pdf

  • 25.01

    Report no 1 - Dates of publishing periodic reports in 2011 2011-01-25

    The Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. implementing the duties resulting from § 103 section 1 of the Decree of the Finance Minister dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information published by the securities issuers and conditions of regarding as equivalent the information required by law of the country which is not the member state (Journal of Law of 2009 No 33, item with amendments), discloses the dates of publishing

  • 23.12

    Report no 17 - After EGM on 22 December 2010 shareholders, resolutions 2010-12-23 16:12

    The Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. informs the public that the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company was held on 22 December 2010 in the seat of the Company. The Company’s shareholders attending the meeting represented 139,546,289 out of the total number of 247,262,023 shares/votes, what represented 56,44 % share capital of the Company. Autostrade per Italia S.p.A., holding 139,059,182 shares/votes, ie. 56.24% in total

  • 24.11

    Report no 15 - Calling EGM, draft resolutions 2010-11-24

    In connection with calling the EGM of the Company, the Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. discloses the contents of the announcement published on website along with the draft resolutions.

  • 04.11

    Report no 14 - New date of publishing the quarterly report 2010-11-04

    Referring to the current report no 2/2010 on dates of disclosing the periodic reports in 2010, the Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. informs the public that the consolidated quarterly report for 3Q2010 will be published on 10 November 2010, NOT on 12 November 2010.

  • 12.10

    Report nr 13 - Resignation of the Superviasory Board';s member 2010-10-12

    The Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. ( „ issuer”) discloses that on 12.10.2010 it received a statement of Mr. Dario V. Cipriani, the Supervisory Board’s member, dated 5 October 2010 on his resignation from the Supervisory Board, effective immediately, for personal reasons. Legal basis of this report: § 5 section 1.21 of the Regulation of the Finance Minister dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information

  • 26.08

    Report no 12 - Share capital reduction of subsidiary company 2010-08-26

    The Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. ("Issuer") informs the public that on 26.08.2010 it received from Stalexport Autostrada Dolnośląska S.A. in Katowice, subsidiary company, the decision of the Regional Court Katowice-East in Katowice VIII Economic Department of Judicial National Register dated 20.08.2010, on registering the share capital reduction of Stalexport Autostrada Dolnośląska S.A. (?SAD SA?) At present the equity of

  • 28.07

    Report no 11 - New date of publishing the consolidated semi-annual statement for 2010 2010-07-28

    Referring to the current report no 2/2010 on dates of disclosing the periodic reports in 2010, the Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. informs the public that the consolidated semi-annual statement for 2010 will be published on 3 August 2010, NOT on 18 August 2010.

  • 12.05

    Report no 10 - New shareholder 2010-05-12

    The Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. informs the public that on 11 May 2010 it received from Kairos Investment Management Limited in London a notification about an increase in shareholding of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. by KIM SpA with seat in Milan. Referring to the aforementioned notification, prior to 6 May 2010 KIM SpA with its seat in Milan held 12,326,534 shares (and the same number of votes) of Stalexport Autostrady

  • 29.04

    Report no 9 - CV of the Supervisory Board's members 2010-04-29

    The Company is publishing the CV of the Supervisory Board's members appointed for the next term by the OGM dated 30.03.2010
