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Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

2.73 zł 0% 0zł 2024-07-01
Home page/Investor Relations/Reports/Current reports/Dates of publishing the reports for 2005 and the meeting with investors

Dates of publishing the reports for 2005 and the meeting with investors

Raporty bieżące (ENG) 2006-05-30

Referring to the Report no 6 dated 14.02.2006 the Management Board of STALEXPORT S.A. informs that the annual reports both individual (SA-R) and consolidated (SA-RS) for 2005 will be published on 13.06.2006, not till 31.05.2006, as it was published earlier.

Simultaneously, after publishing the above mentioned reports, the Management Board kindly invites the investors, analysts and journalists to take part in the meeting with the management and Company`s representatives. The meeting will take place on 14.06.2006, in Katowice, in the seat of Beskidzki Dom Maklerski, 3 Maja 23 Street, at 10:00 a.m.
