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Home page/Investor Relations/Reports/Current reports/Real estate in Warsaw - sale agrement

Real estate in Warsaw - sale agrement

Raporty bieżące (ENG) 2006-03-10

Referring to the current report no 3 dated 13.01.2006 in regard to signing a preliminary agreement of sale of real estate in Warsaw, the Management Board of Stalexport S.A. , informs, that on 9th March 2006 the Company signed "a promised agreement" of sale of the a/m real estate, with the company "Obrzeżna 11 Sp. z o.o." with seat in Warsaw, for the net amount of 62 m zloty.
The agreement in question concerns the sale of real estate located in Warsaw at Obrzeżna Street (right of perpetual usufruct), with total area of 45 622 sq m, together with buildings and constructions (property right) with surface of 9 769 sq m.
The agreement amount has already been paid.

The real estate will be transferred to the Buyer till 31th August 2006.

The criterion of recognising the agreement as the significant one is the value of the agreement subject which exceeds 10 % of the shareholders? equity of the issuer.
