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Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

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Home page/Investor Relations/Reports/Current reports/Report No 7 - Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of STALEXPORT AUTOSTRADA MAŁOPOLSKA S.A. on the payment of funds accumulated on the supplementary capital created out of net profits for the previous turnover years to the shareholder

Report No 7 - Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of STALEXPORT AUTOSTRADA MAŁOPOLSKA S.A. on the payment of funds accumulated on the supplementary capital created out of net profits for the previous turnover years to the shareholder

Raporty bieżące (ENG) 2016-04-25

Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of STALEXPORT AUTOSTRADA MAŁOPOLSKA S.A. on the payment of funds accumulated on the supplementary capital created out of net profits for the previous turnover years to the shareholder

The Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. informs that on April 25, 2016 the Ordinary General Meeting of STALEXPORT AUTOSTRADA MAŁOPOLSKA S.A. with its registered office in Mysłowice (which is 100% subsidiary company of Stalexport Autoroute S.a.r.l. with its registered seat in Luxemburg, which is in turn a 100% subsidiary of company Stalexport Autostrady S.A.) adopted the following resolution on the payment of funds accumulated on the supplementary capital created out of net profits for the previous turnover years for the shareholder:

Resolution No. 4
of the Ordinary General Meeting of
with its registered office in Mysłowice
dated April 25, 2016

on the payment of funds accumulated on the supplementary capital created out of net profits for the previous
turnover years to the shareholder.

1. Acting pursuant to Art. 348 § 1 of Commercial Companies Code, the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company herewith decides to pay funds accumulated on the supplementary capital created out of the profits for the previous turnover years in amount of 86.000.000,00 zlotys (say: eighty six million zlotys zero groszy) to the shareholder of the Company.

2. The Management Board of the Company is hereby authorized to arrange the payment of funds. The payment of funds to the shareholder shall take place not later than on June 30, 2016.

Legal basis: Article 56.1.(1) of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies of 29 July 2005

