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Home page/Investor Relations/Reports/Current reports/Report no 20 - EGM resolutions, shareholders over 5%

Report no 20 - EGM resolutions, shareholders over 5%

Raporty bieżące (ENG) 2009-07-24

The Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. informs that on 24.07.2009 the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company was held.

The shareholders attending the Extraordinary General Meeting represented 139,061,369 out of the total number of 247.262.023 shares/votes, which constituted 56.24 % of the company’s share capital.  

The shareholding over 5 % was represented by the company Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A. holding 139,059,182 shares/votes, ie. 99.99% in votes at the EGM and 56.24 % in total number of shares/votes. 

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Stalexport Autostrady Joint Stock Company with its seat in Katowice passed the resolution no 1 regarding the election of the Scrutinisers with the contents:

The Extraordinary General Meeting decides – in accordance with § 10a of the Regulations of GSM – not to elect the Scrutinisers and to authorize the Chairman of the Extraordinary General Meeting to sign the printed results of voting. 

In connection with resignation f rom function of the member of the Supervisory Board by Mr. Giuseppe Palma as from 02.07.2009 (current report no 17 /2009 dated 06.07.2009) and by Mr. Christopher Melnyk as from 24.07.2009, submitted during the debate of the EGM, the Extraordinary General Meeting appointed Mr. Roberto Mengucci and Mr. Massimo Lapucci to the Supervisory Board.

The CVs of the appointed members of the Supervisory Board will be published in a separate report. 
