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Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

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Home page/Investor Relations/Reports/Current reports/Report no 3 - Appointing the MB for the successive term

Report no 3 - Appointing the MB for the successive term

Raporty bieżące (ENG) 2010-03-03

The Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. informs that the Supervisory Board on its meeting on 2 March 2010 appointed the Company’s Management Board for the successive three year term in the existing competition, i.e.:

  • Emil Wąsacz – President of the Management Board, General Director
  • Wojciech Gębicki – Vice-President of the Management Board, Operating Director
  • Mieczysław Skołożyński – Vice-President of the Management Board, Financial Director

The new Management Board is appointed with the day following the day of holding the Company’s Ordinary Meeting, approving the Company’s Financial Statements for year 2009.

The information on the qualifications and previous positions along with the description of the professional career was published by the Company on its website and in the following current reports:

  • RB no 48 dated 26.10.2000 (Emil Wąsacz)
  • RB no 14 dated 15.05.2009 (Wojciech Gębicki)
  • RB no 56 dated 1.08.2001 (Mieczysław Skołożyński)

According to the submitted statements the a/m persons do not conduct other activity beyond the enterprise of the Company, being in competition to the activity of Stalexport Autostrady S.A. or does not participate in any competitive company as the partner in civil company, personal company or a member of the body of stock company as well as does not participate in any other competitive legal entity as the member of its body.

However information about the entry or the lack of the appropriate entry to the register of insolvent debtors kept on the base of the act on the National Court Register will be published by the Company after obtaining the appropriate Certificates from the National Court Register.

Legal basis: § 5 section 1 point 22 the Decree of the Finance Minister dated 19.02.2009 on current and periodic information ... (Journal of Laws no 33 dated 2009, item 259 with amendments).

