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Home page/Investor Relations/Reports/Current reports/Steel business - final agreement with Zlomrex S.A. and Stalexport S.A.

Steel business - final agreement with Zlomrex S.A. and Stalexport S.A.

Raporty bieżące (ENG) 2008-01-25

Report No. 6

With reference to the reports nos. 86 and 87 of 2nd October 2007 concerning the signing the Annex to the Investment Agreement between Stalexport Autostrady SA, Stalexport SA and Zlomrex SA and the Sale Agreement of the Organized Part of the Enterprise (ZCP) as well as report no. 94 from 27 December 2007, informing about the Ernst & Young Report, indicating the sale price of Organized Part of the Enterprise (ZCP) as PLN 138.150.639,51, the Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady SA informs, that today, i.e. on 25th January 2008 the signed agreement between Zlomrex SA, Stalexport SA and Stalexport Autostrady SA was received.
On the strength of the agreement the parties:

  1. resign from the possibility of verification the Sale Price agreed in Expert Report to Additional Expert,
  2. agree the Sale Price of Organized Part of the Enterprise (ZCP) to PLN 138.700.000,
  3. agree that the amount 549.360,49, being the surplus over the Sale Price of Organized Part of the Enterprise (ZCP), agreed in the Expert Report constitutes the refund of the investment outlays` costs born by Stalexport Autostrady SA,
  4. agree that the amount 38.700.000, being the surplus over the value of 100.000.000 already received by Stalexport Autostrady SA will be payable on 29th February 2008,
  5. Zlomrex will lodge the declaration of submitting to execution willingly to the value of 38.700.000 with interests in case of not making the payment on time.

The agreement exhausts all the claims of the Parties, which can arise in future in the respect of Sale Price of Organized Part of the Enterprise (ZCP).
Simultaneously the Management Board of Stalexport Autostrady SA informs, that the signed statement mentioned in point 5 of this report has been received. Thereby all the conditions of the agreement have been fulfilled.
