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Current share price Stalexport Autostrady SA

2.73 zł 0% 0zł 2024-07-01

The sale of real estate

Raporty bieżące (ENG) 2006-06-30

The Management Board of Stalexport S.A. informs that on 29.06.2006 the Company signed with "ZFI HAVRE Sp. z o.o. under organisation" with seat in Cracow, an agreement on sale of the right of perpetual usufruct of not built lots with area of 14,701 sq m, for the net amount of 6,5 zloty, provided that the President of the City of Katowice will not exercise the pre-emption right due the Commune.

The a/m real estate is located in Katowice at the streets: Dąbrówki, Zabrska, Sobieskiego.

The agreement on transferring the right of perpetual usufruct is to be concluded up to 21 days, counting from the date of notifying the Seller of not exercising the pre-emption right by the President of the City of Katowice.

The criterion of recognising the agreement as the significant one is the value of the agreement subject, which exceeds 10 % of the shareholders equity of the issuer.
