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Home page/Press Office/Press Releases/Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on motorway Katowice-Kraków in 12Q1-Q3

Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on motorway Katowice-Kraków in 12Q1-Q3

Press Releases 16 November 2012

In 12Q1-Q3 the Average daily Traffic on the concession motorway section of A4 Katowice – Kraków amounted to 28,951 vehicles and decreased by 7.7% than the traffic recorded a year earlier (31,363 vehicles). This decrease was recorded both in heavy and light vehicles.

As regards the heavy vehicles one should remember that for first 6 of 9 months of current period ther is a comparison of traffic level of heavy vehicles recorded in two different legal regimes, i.e. vignettes (2011) and in case of real tolling (2012). The most crucial impact on traffic decrease of heavy vehicles was caused by legal changes resulting with replacement of vignettes by electronic toll collection ViaToll on motorway network, express ways and some national roads. In result of it, starting from July 1, 2011, the Group started the real toll collection for heavy vehicles with the maximum permissible weight exceeding 12 tonnes. These vehicles so far – on basis of the valid vignette – benefitted from an exemption from the toll on the concession sections. That recorded decrease was a natural consequence of replacement one-off flat rate for use the motorway by the real tolling, which amount is conditioned by the number of passed kilometres. The above mentioned change of the law was reason of the decrease of the heavy vehicles by 28.3%, i.e. from 6,490 vehicles in 11Q1-Q3 of the last year to 4,654 vehicles in 12Q1-Q3.

Next, the light vehicles traffic much slightly decreased from 24,873 vehicles in 11Q1-Q3 to 24,297 vehicles in 12Q1-Q3 (fall by 2.3%). In Group`s opinion the main influence on such situation had the increase of fuel`s costs, which is a reason of limitation in use of private transportation. Additionally, starting from March 1, 2012, the increase of the toll rate on concession section of A4 took place. This factor had also negative impact on the recorded traffic level of light vehicles.

Despite the lower ADT level the revenues from tolling increased to 133,974 kPLN, i.e. by 6,767 kPLN (5.3%) compared with 11Q1-Q3. This increase was resulted by increase of toll rate of the heavy vehicles of category 2 and 3 (by 11.1% from July 1, 2011) and light vehicles (by 12.5% from March 1, 2012).
