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Home page/Press Office/Press Releases/Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on motorway Katowice-Kraków in 2012

Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on motorway Katowice-Kraków in 2012

Press Releases 25 March 2013

In 2012, the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) on the concession section of A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway amounted to 28,630 vehicles and was lower by 6.5% than the traffic level recorded in 2011 (30,630 vehicles). The decrease was noted both in the category of lorries and cars.

In cars, traffic slightly dropped from 24,586 vehicles in 2011 to 23,979 vehicles in 2012 (a 2.5% decrease). According to the Management Board, this resulted mainly from growing fuel prices, which made drivers use their private means of transport less frequently. Additionally, on 1 March 2012 the toll for cars on the concession section of A4 motorway was raised. The above mentioned factor also affected the recorded traffic level of cars.

Whereas in case of lorries, one must remember that the decisive factor resulting in reduced traffic intensity was the amendment to the applicable law, pursuant to which ViaToll replaced previously applicable vignette on motorways, express roads as well as selected national roads. As a result, as of 1 July 2011, the Group started collecting of real tolls toll for lorries with maximum allowable weight in excess of 12 tons, which prior to that date – pursuant to a valid vignette – were excluded from the toll on concession sections. The decrease in the traffic intensity recorded at that time was a natural consequence of replacement of a single flat-rate toll for using the motorway with an actual payment, the amount of which depends on the number of driven kilometres. The above-mentioned amendment to the law resulted in a 23.1% decrease in the number of lorries driving along the motorway section managed by the Group, i.e. from 6,044 vehicles in 2011 to 4,651 vehicles in 2012.
