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Home page/Press Office/Press Releases/Three positive quarters of 2021 in the Stalexport Autostrady Capital Group

Three positive quarters of 2021 in the Stalexport Autostrady Capital Group

Press Releases 8 November 2021

Stalexport Autostrady Capital Group has generated higher revenue and higher net profit than in the corresponding reporting period of 2020 for three consecutive quarters of 2021.

The revenue generated by the Stalexport Autostrady Group increased by approx. 23.7% and amounted to PLN 266.8 million.

Net profit amounted to PLN 97.5 million and was 10% higher compared to the first three quarters of 2020. The increase in net profit was connected primarily with higher traffic intensity on the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway, with the highest level of traffic each year recorded during the summer period. The highest number of vehicles travelled the aforementioned section of the motorway in August - more than 56 thous. vehicles per day. In general, traffic intensity of the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway in the first three quarters of 2021 increased by approx. 14.6% compared to the first nine months of 2020 and on average translated into approx. 42.8 thous. vehicles per day. The increase was observed for both passenger cars (14.3%) and heavy goods vehicles (15.9%).

Toll revenue collected on the toll section of the A4 motorway increased together with the higher level of traffic, amounting to PLN 263.7 million in the first three quarters of 2021, up by 23.9% compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. Toll revenue collected from passenger vehicles increased by nearly 31% due (in addition to higher traffic intensity) to change of toll rates applicable to these vehicles (PLN 12 instead of PLN 10) starting from 1 October 2020.

Operating expenses in the first three quarters of 2021 where approx. 11% higher and totalled PLN 145.5 million. Own cost of sales increased compared to the first three quarters of 2020 by approx. PLN 13.3 million and totalled over PLN 89 million. The reason for this increase was primarily the higher value of provisions for resurfacing (by approx. PLN 9.5 million). “Payments to the State Treasury”, included in general and administrative expenses, amounted to PLN 20.9 million (compared to PLN 14.9 million in the corresponding period of 2020). Depreciation and amortization were higher as well; PLN 59.7 million in the first three quarters of 2021 compared to PLN 43.7 million in the corresponding period of 2020.

Activities intended to reduce transaction time and increase the capacity of toll plazas at the A4 Katowice-Kraków motorway continued to be carried out in the reporting period under analysis. A second, automatic toll gate has been opened for users of automatic payment methods. It is operational during periods of high traffic on left-most lanes of the toll plazas. Videotolling has been expanded to include the new IKO app developed by PKO Bank Polski and additionally integrated with ORLEN fleet cards.

