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Home page/Press Office/Press Releases/Traffic level in 2Q 2011: a consistent ADT increase on A4 Motorway Katowice-Kraków

Traffic level in 2Q 2011: a consistent ADT increase on A4 Motorway Katowice-Kraków

Press Releases 3 August 2011

The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) dynamics has been still maintaining on the A4 Katowice – Kraków motorway concession section: in 2Q 2011 it amounted to PLN 32,071 and it was by 8.6% higher than in the corresponding period last year (29.520 in 2Q2010).

Just as it was in the 1Q2011, this increase resulted partly from continuing heavy vehicles traffic dynamics covering the vehicles of over 3.5 tonnes. In this category in 2Q2011 there was an increase by 14.3% to 7.677 vehicles (6.714 in 2Q2010) In the same period the average light vehicles traffic increased to 24.394, i.e. by 7.0% (22.806 in 2Q2010).

As a result of the above described traffic dynamics recorded in the 2Q2011, the ADT level counted from the beginning of 2011 was by 8.2% higher than in the 1st semester 2010. It is, however, unlikely that in subsequent periods it will be possible to maintain the dynamics of the ADT at the same level. It results from the commencement, as from 1 July 2011, of the real toll collection for motorway from heavy vehicles with a maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes, which until now - on the basis of the valid card toll (vignette) – have benefited from an exemption from toll on motorway sections run under the concession. In this subgroup of heavy vehicles a decrease in the level of traffic on the A4 concession motorway section was noted in July 2011.

The decline in traffic after introducing the real toll collection is natural consequence. After having analyzed the total travel costs (fuel, time, etc.) in various categories of roads, in the long run the majority of users decide to use our motorway again as faster, safer and above all more economical form of travel than the alternative roads – saysMieczysław Skołożyński, Vice-President of the Board of Stalexport Autostrady. It should be noted, however, that after the change of the law the Group revenues from heavy vehicles have not changed, and even increased slightly, due to other way of payment for our motorway.
